Invoicing 101

You’ve built and sent your quote. You’ve built and executed the event. And now–that’s right–you get rewarded for the hard work you did to create a perfect experience for your client. It’s time to send the invoice. We’ll show you how to create and send an invoice. It’s a special feeling to invoice clients. It’s a kind of affirmation of connection. Your client trusted you to do a job. You trust them to follow through. Rinse and repeat.

Invoicing a Quote

Activity Checklist

Navigate to the quote you've been working with
Confirm the Pull Sheet on the Quote’s status is “Returned”
Confirm Quote details are correct and present
Navigate to the right hand menu and click the “Workflow” icon
Select the option to “Generate Invoice” and click “Yes”
Confirm Invoice details are correct and present
Click the paper airplane icon in the upper right corner to initiate sending the invoice to the client
Change the “send to” and "from" email addresses as needed, then send
Navigate to the right hand menu and click the “Financials” icon
Select the option to “Enter Payment”, enter payment details, and click “OK”
From the main menu navigate to “Projects” -> “Invoices”
Check the “include closed” box from the options at the bottom of the screen
Verify the invoice you have been working with shows as “Invoice Paid”
Observe how entering a payment on an invoice changes the status of the Quote

Need additional support?

These articles from our help center should provide you with additional support you need.

Still stuck? Drop us an email here.

What's next?

Congratulations! You are now FlexABLE.

You and your organization are capable of using Flex. Our hope is that as you get more and more comfortable with Flex, you’ll grow from FlexABLE into a FlexPERT. As your Flexpertise grows, we know you’ll uncover efficiencies and opportunities to scale. Our clients have shared stories of Flex leading to expansion, better employee training and retention, and even better sleep!
We take our “Your Success Is Our Flex!” position seriously. We succeed when you succeed. Please reach out and share your success with us. And please also reach out to share your frustrations with us. Our goal is to make Flex better and better and better. We can only do that with your input. Thank you for completing the FlexABLE course. Good luck and we look forward to hearing from you!

Customer Spotlights

Customer Spotlight: Roundrock Technology

Customer Spotlight: 3G Productions

Customer Spotlight: All Access