Micro Barcodes & Performance Microphones

Best way to track performance microphones? Micro Barcodes! 


We’re never going to recommend something that we don’t think helps your business succeed. And while we’re excited about the advances that have been made around RFID technology, we haven’t found the right RFID solution for smaller items like performance handheld microphones, wireless kits, or omni whip antennas, etc. 

Of course, this doesn’t mean that we aren’t looking for the best solutions for these cases.

We’re happy to share that our customers are seeing great results with micro barcodes. What’s great about this solution, is that the stickers aren’t visually distracting, but still allow for granular serialization tracking.

We currently have a stock of preprinted 1/3" micro 2d barcodes and encourage you to give these a try (and at $100 for 1000 labels, what’s not to love?). If you are interested in giving them a try? Contact sales today at sales@flexrentalsolutions.com!

Check out these images of the labels on these products:

Unobtrusive, maximum impact. 

Get in touch with any questions, or let us know about any solutions that are working great for you!