Wizard Studios in New York uses onsite training to level up

Photo courtesy of Wizard Studios

Wizard Studios in New York knew that they were only scratching the surface of Flex — and if they were going to optimize their business by unlocking Flex’s more advanced features they needed to enlist the help Flex’s very own Senior Learning Specialist, Branden Rosenlof. Branden, apart from being our very own guru, is also a seasoned professional in the AV and event management industry — so he knows how to remedy the roadblocks affecting most businesses in the industry.

Wizard is a fast growing event production company.  The company has almost doubled in size in the last four to five years. They hope to add another three to four employees this year as well. Since they’ve been experiencing rapid growth, they needed to improve efficiencies to make sure nothing fell through the cracks.

“We’ve been using Flex for about three years now, we wanted to make sure we were using it the most efficient way possible.  We wanted to learn all the shortcuts to building quotes faster,” said Rebecca Abernathy, Production Administrative Coordinator for Wizard.

To facilitate the onsite training, they broke up training into two days. The first day Branden trained the production team on how to build seamless work flows for quotes, essentially automating some of the tasks associated with producing quotes.

“He helped us set up a builder quote, which automatically makes suggestions for different packages.  After you make all of your selections your quotes is essentially complete,” said Rebecca.

The second day was dedicated to equipping the Operations team with the knowledge they needed to successfully enter inventory into the system, properly scanning inventory in and out, and creating cheat sheets.

“Our goal is for everything to be scanned in and out using Flex, Branden showed our Operations team the benefits of using manifests, and how to categorize inventory items so they can be tracked accurately.  He also showed us how to create “cheat sheets” for items that are not serialized such as HDMI cables.  Our operations team couldn’t wait to apply these new tools” said Rebecca.

On site training provides Flex users with one-on-one personalized training especially designed to meet their unique business needs. Beforehand, we try to learn the customer’s pain points, goals, obstacles to success, and any implementation roadblock that may be preventing them from using Flex to its full potential. We become invested in our client’s success from beginning to end.

Want to level up with Flex onsite Training? Contact us today!


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